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The National Archives of Trinidad and Tobago (NATT), is the treasure-house of our country's heritage...

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Welcome to the National Archives of Trinidad and Tobago (NATT), the custodian of our country's documentary heritage.

The National Archives of Trinidad and Tobago is the repository for permanent records and archives of the Government as well as historical records of national significance.

Mission Statement
The National Archives is responsible for acquiring, preserving and providing public access to our nation's documentary Heritage in all formats; and the management of all government records throughout the public service.

Our Vision Statement
The National Archives of Trinidad and Tobago (NATT) will provide services that build, maintain, and allow access to Trinidad and Tobago's records to sustain a free, open, and democratic society and to support the cultural and intellectual life of all citizens of Trinidad and Tobago.


Featured Collections

Find of the Month


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This service is available to all members of the public, through visits to the Search Room or through remote access.

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The National Archives of Trinidad and Tobago proactively engages with communities.

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Records Management

The National Archives provides records management training and advisory services to Government ministries and agencies. 

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The National Archives is equipped with a fully functional conservation lab where restoration and preservation services. 

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In Focus

lease be advised that the National Archives will be closed from 11:00am on Friday 9 November 2018 to facilitate staff's attendance at the funeral service of our beloved colleague, Dale Lockily-Brat

In commemoration of the International Decade for People of African Descent and African History Month, the National Archives is pleased to partner with the Success Laventille Networking Committee, I

The National Archives wishes to advise that its office will be closed to the public on Friday 24th August 2018 and Monday 27th August 2018 to facilitate demolition and heavy construction work on it