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“The World Wars – Onset, Impact and Caribbean Legacy” was the theme of an exhibition mounted by the National Archives of Trinidad and Tobago at the History Conference on the World Wars for CAPE students hosted by the Bishop Anstey and Trinity College East Sixth Form.  A companion app for the exhibition was also created for students, featuring a bibliography, full-text references and YouTube videos on the World Wars. 

The History Conference was held from 25-26 February 2015 at the school’s auditorium in Trincity and focused on the causes and consequences of the World Wars, key aspects of the CAPE History syllabus.  The conference received the support of Ms. Theresa Neblett-Skinner, the History Curriculum Officer at the Ministry of Education, UWI’s Department of History, and the National Archives.

In addition to the exhibition, panel discussions facilitated by UWI lecturers and National Archives researcher, Ian Senior, emphasized the Caribbean experience during the World Wars, particularly the experiences of Trinidad and Tobago, and Antigua.  A special session on calypsos as a historical source for understanding the wars and the showing of documentaries enhanced the conference proceedings.

This exhibition, will be mounted in the Search Room at the National Archives in April to facilitate wider viewing by members of the public.

Ian Senior, National Archives’ researcher shows veterans’ medals and archival records to Theresa Neblett-Skinner, Ministry of Education’s History Curriculum Officer, (right) and staff of the National Archives.

Students view World War Exhibition.

A replica of Squadron Leader Ulric Cross' RAF uniform.

Military Medals owned by Major RJ Morrison, a relative of Mr Ian Senior.

Knight's Cross Royal Order of the Phoenix awarded to Rev. William Derry Cuthbertson by King Georgios of Greece for his role in keeping essential Greek (and American) shipping lines open. These provided supplies to Trinidad in World war.