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The National Archives, in collaboration with the University of the West Indies’ Alma Jordan Library and the National Library and Information System Authority (NALIS) hosted a photograph preservation workshop from 1-3 July 2019 at the AV Room, Alma Jordan Library.

The workshop aimed to build local skills capacity for those involved in photographic collections at various heritage institutions, given the lack of available training locally. Twenty five participants, including librarians, archivists, photographers, and conservation staff of the National Archives, National Library, National Museum, UWI Alma Jordan Library and the Government Information Division’s Photographic Unit benefited from the workshop.  

Participants learnt to distinguish albumen, silver gelatin, and chromogenic colour prints and their processes, as well as acetate- or polyester-based negatives. Preventive conservation, risk assessment, and advocacy were also addressed. Hands-on sessions centred on water-related emergency response and basic surface cleaning using dry and wet techniques.

The workshop was facilitated by Debra Hess-Norris, Chair of the Art Conservation Department at the University of Delaware, and Professor of Photograph Conservation, who has authored more than forty-five (45) articles and book chapters on care and treatment of photographic materials, emergency response, ethics, and conservation education; and taught more than one hundred and twenty five (125) workshops and seminars for conservators and allied professionals throughout the world.